P.A.N.D.A.S. , or “Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections”, is an autoimmune pediatric disease characterized by the sudden onset of neuro-psychiatric issues after a strep infection.
Following the acute onset of symptoms, children and teenagers become irritable. Beset by motor and vocal tics, they begin to suffer from hallucinations, phobias without reason, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. All without any apparent cause.
PANDAS was discovered in 1998 by Dr. S.E. Swedo. Despite being recognized by the WHO, the condition is still underdiagnosed because of misinformation from pediatricians and underreported because of the lack of national records.
In Italy, the diagnosis remains even more rare and comes too late. When the symptoms appear, the families of patients often don’t know what to do and must attempt to find therapies that remain relatively inaccessible.
il comitato genitori
Il Comitato Italiano Genitori Pans/Pandas Bge, attivo in Italia dal 2020, nasce col proposito di supportare ragazzi e genitori che si trovano ad affrontare quotidianamente la Sindrome.
Il Comitato è composto da genitori residenti in varie città d’Italia, che mettono a disposizione, a titolo gratuito, le proprie esperienze personali e professionali attraverso progetti benefici e divulgativi.
La mission è diffondere la conoscenza della Sindrome in Italia, coinvolgendo altre famiglie, medici ed educatori nella consapevolezza che una diagnosi precoce può fare la differenza.